Downtown Knoxville -- Legal Hub
Knoxville legal businesses and justice departments are interspersed throughout our city, but the legal hub is situated in downtown Knoxville.
Two high rise banks, located on Gay Street, house many law firms, and many firms are located in various other buildings situated close to the City-County Building.
County Clerk offices are located in various parts of the city: Old Courthouse, Cedar Bluff, Farragut Town Hall, Five Points Village Plaza, Halls (North Knoxville), Knoxville Center Mall, and South Knoxville.

City-County Building
The City-County Building is located at 400 Main Street in downtown Knoxville. This building houses county government offices, court rooms, and the county jail.
Safety Building
The Safety Building, 800 East Church Avenue, houses the Knoxville Police Department. City court is held in this building.
Old Courthouse
The original Knox County Court House is still in use. Located at 300 Main Street, the Old Courthouse offers various services to the public.
Howard H. Baker Jr. Federal Courthouse
The Federal Courthouse, located at 301 West Main Street/800 Market Street,
houses federal government offices and court rooms for the Eastern District of Tennessee.
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